政策 & 程序



  • Webcat
    •  学生收到帐单, 注册, 查看成绩, 学生账户, 以及财政奖励 Webcat.
  • 大学的电子邮件
    •  Important notifications are sent by many departments and offices via the UNH email address that is assigned by the University. 学生有责任定期检查此电子邮件帐户.
  • myUNH
    • University announcements and many more information sources are available through this 学生 portal system - myUNH.
  • 校区地址
  • 永久地址
    • 一些通知以学生的名义发送到永久邮寄地址.
  • 大学电子通讯政策
    • The 永利app新版本官网地址 often communicates with 学生s on official matters in written form. The progression of technology has prompted the University to adapt both its administrative and educational communications to benefit from this technology. In those instances when the University chooses to communicate with 学生s through technology (including but not limited to email, 门户通信, 和电子通讯), 它通常使用大学生成的UNH用户名. The University will provide and maintain this UNH Username; it will be the responsibility of the 学生 to monitor official communication sent by the University to this UNH Username on the UNH email system, 以及刊登在联合国大学门户网站(myUNH),并可使用此UNH用户名访问.


请参阅以下退课/休假/更改为兼职时间表, which corresponds with UNH's main academic calendar for Fall and Spring semester start dates. Students in special programs that use alternative calendars should consult their departments for deadlines.

请参阅 即将毕业或离开UNH的学生清单 以了解学生如果不返回UNH应采取的其他步骤.


如果出现退学、休假或转为兼职的情况: 的最后期限 学费 & 费用而
学期开始后的第二个星期五 9月. 6, 2023, 4:30 PM 100%
学期开始后的第二个星期五至第五个星期五 9月. 9至9月. 29, 2023, 4:30 PM 50%
30天后 9月后. 29, 2023 0%


如果出现退学、休假或转为兼职的情况: 的最后期限 学费 & 费用而
学期开始后的第二个星期五 2月. 2, 2024, 4:30 PM 100%
学期开始后的第二个星期五至第五个星期五 2月. 3日至2月. 23, 2024, 4:30 PM 50%
30天后 2月后. 23, 2024 0%

Any degree candidate who withdraws from the University and subsequently enrolls as a special (non-degree) 学生 during the current semester or the next academic year will continue to be billed for tuition and 费用 at the same rate as degree candidates, 根据居民/非居民和本科生/研究生身份使用适当的费率.


退课/请假表格必须递交教务处,地址为 主要研究.withdrawals@主要研究.edu 当学生从学校退学或请假时. The date the 学生 officially notifies the Registrar's Office is the official date used to determine financial adjustments. 学费和其他强制性费用将根据上述时间表减免. Once financial adjustments have been made, any overpayment will be refunded to the 学生. 退款处理大约需要45天.


Students who drop from full-time to part-time status will be responsible for a portion of the full-time tuition and mandatory 费用 in accordance with the above schedule.

食物 & 住房

学生的伙食请参考住宿协议 & 房屋退款政策.


If federal financial aid has been received, it will be returned to the lender in accordance with U.S. 教育部规定在退学或休假时生效. 请注意,援助的返回可能会产生欠联合国卫生组织的未付余额. Specific details regarding federal regulations and an estimated calculation are available from UNH 学生账户 upon request. There is no return of federal aid once the 学生 has completed over 60% of a semester.


报销学费的学费保险, 费用, 如因病休学,提供食宿, 受伤或心理状况. 学费保障计划


Non-payment of billed balances can result in late 费用 and may result in 学生s being disenrolled from classes. 滞纳金是基于未偿余额的金额. 自2022年5月起,滞纳金将按月收取. 滞纳金为账单金额的2%或100美元(以较低者为准)。. Any outstanding balance could cause a financial hold which prevents registration and the mailing of transcripts and diplomas.


With the exception of financial aid, payments are applied to the oldest charge first.


Checks that have been returned for insufficient funds are assessed a $30 return check charge. 必须用银行支票、汇票或现金代替退回的支票. 如果两张或多张支票因资金不足而被退回, the University will be unable to accept future personal checks for that 学生 account.


Students whose actual payments exceed their charges may request a refund from UNH 学生账户 after receipt and settlement of the tuition bill, 在所有支票付款清算后(10个工作日). 退款可以通过网上申请 Webcat. 在退款之前, 所有每月付款必须收到, 贷款票据和贷款支票必须签字, 并且学生的账户必须是无持有的. 根据商业协议, accounts with credit card payments made during the term will be refunded to the credit card first. 剩余款项将以支票或直接存款方式处理. 学生有责任提出退款请求. 退款 are made in the 学生's name unless the credit is the result of a Parent PLUS loan. PLUS学分将退还给家长借款人. 请预留两周时间处理退款请求.

Federally regulated (Title IV) refunds will be automatically generated within the required time frame if not previously requested by the 学生. The required time frame is defined as 14 days after the credit balance occurs or 14 days after the first day of class if the credit balance occurs on or before the first day of class.

注意: Federal funds may not be disbursed to 学生 accounts any earlier than 10 days before the start of classes.

UNH PLUS贷款退款政策

Parent Loans to Undergraduate Students (PLUS) are federal Title IV funds specifically designated to pay for undergraduate educational expenses. PLUS贷款直接支付到学生的账单账户.  贷款款项发放时, an email or letter is sent to the parent 加上贷款 borrower indicating the funds have arrived. 借款人可以选择在30天内取消贷款. If the loan is not canceled the PLUS loan funds will be applied to federal Title IV charges.

如果在支付这些费用后仍有任何贷方, a calculation based on federal regulations will determine which portion of the refund can be requested by the 学生 and which portion will be available to the parent. If the parent PLUS borrower submits a request in writing or allows permission through the PLUS loan application, 全额学分余额可以提供给学生.


  • 如果PLUS贷款借款人选择让学生获得退款, the full credit balance would be available for the 学生 to request online through Webcat.
  • 如果家长PLUS贷款借款人选择直接收到退款, 可用的PLUS贷款额度将通过支票直接退还给借款人.
  • 如PLUS贷款借款人选择直接领取退款, 输入退款请求后,不得更改. Prior to processing of the refund the parent borrower may choose to allow the refund to be issued to the 学生. A written statement to UNH 学生账户 must be signed by the PLUS borrower and include the 学生’s name, ID及简要说明. 遵守联邦法规, this or the submission of a new loan application are the only options to change the refund recipient.

在PLUS贷款协调员要求PLUS退款后, 如果未来的付款来源不是另一个PLUS贷款, any overpayments resulting in a credit balance will be deemed to be from other sources, 任何新的信用余额都将提供给学生.


Total Title IV Allowable Charges MINUS total Title IV 金融援助 equals the Title IV Balance. 如果第四章余额计算为负,这是第四章信贷余额.

第四章允许收费: 第四章经济援助:
学费 佩尔助学金
强制性的费用 SEOG
课程费用 直接资助贷款
校园房屋 无补贴直接贷款

